Wissa Wassef Tapestry from Egypt

Katy Dickinson with Reda Ahmed’s tapestry

To celebrate my finishing writing my Master’s thesis, John surprised me with a large tapestry from the Wissa Wassef Art Center, Giza, Egypt. Normally for a big family celebration, we would go out to dinner or maybe on a trip, but during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown, that is not possible.

The title of my Graduate Theological Union MA thesis is “Range of Chaplain Engagement with Prisoners” and I will defend it before my committee next month. I finished the last of my required classes in December 2020 and if all goes well, I will graduate in May 2021 with the GTU – MA and a Certificate in Spirituality and Social Change from Pacific School of Religion. I will continue my studies at GTU in the Interreligious Chaplaincy Certificate program.

In 2010, our family visited the Wissa Wassef Art Center outside of Cairo (in Harrania Village, near Giza) where we bought a small tapestry and two books. I am glad to have a second of these lovely works of fabric art!

Our first Wissa Wassef tapestry is a small master work called “Around the Pond,” woven in cotton by Mohamed Achour in 2010. It presents fish and birds with palms and flowering plants around a small body of water.

Our new Wissa Wassef tapestry is undated but is probably much older than the first, even though John just bought it from a store in France. It was woven by Reda Ahmed in wool and cotton. Looking at our 2010 pictures, I realized we saw Reda Ahmed weaving during our Wissa Wassef visit. We hung the tapestry last night and it may take months for the textile to settle into its new home above the stairs. The weaving presents a large blue tree with red flowers, with a smaller tree and bushes as well as birds, weasels, and a lizard. I am thankful for this lovely and generous gift. The lively images and cheerful colors make me happy!

Note: Nothing pictured is for sale. Please do not ask.

If you want to receive Katysblog posts by email, please sign up using the Sign Me Up! button (upper right on Katysblog home). Images Copyright 2010-2021 by Katy Dickinson.


Filed under Chaplain, Home & Family

7 responses to “Wissa Wassef Tapestry from Egypt

  1. That is so awesomely beautiful. Cherish it and hang it in a rightful place of honor.


  2. Lucky you… you have a gem…. I a sure it looked better than a 5 course dinner and dance for a celebration….

    Congratulations on your MA and I am sure the Jury would look favourably… also when published I am sure the admins of prisons will discover where they were going …. wrong ….

    Good Luck

  3. Pingback: Introduction to Physical Computing | KatysBlog

  4. Mik Hamilton

    This is not a genuine Wissa Wassif. I know it was woven in what is called the Wissa Wassif gallery but it is what is called a B Wissa Wassaf. All the original ones has a linen warp. This is cotton. It’s very nice but has about the tenth of the value of the A Wissa Wassif.

    • Thanks for your comment. The smaller tapestry we bought in 2010 at the Wissa Wassef Art Centre outside Cairo. It was described as a small master work and is fully documented as such. I think the larger piece (bought online) may be a student work but is by a Wissa Wassef weaver whom we met when we visited the Art Centre. It may be that her earlier works used lesser materials.

  5. Douglas Osborne

    I would like to get the tapestry I have authenticated. Is it possible to have this done?

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